
Whether you've just found out that a new seed
is growing within you or your partner's womb,
or you're Trying To Conceive (TTC)...
I congratulate you on your new journey!
Making the conscious decision to parent
and take care of another person is can be
very fulfilling.
Now is the time to seek quality and loving care
that will promote good health, restore balance,
and guide you towards the birth that you envision.
As your midwife, I'll do my best to ensure that all of your wishes, cultural preferences, & belief systems are respected and honored at all times whilst in my care.
Meet AishiaTheMidwife...

Planned Homebirths R Safer Births
According to Rebecca Dekker, PhD, RN, APRN at Evidence Based Birth:
"Home birth is defined as giving birth to a baby in your place of residence. Home birth can be planned (87% of U.S. home births) or unplanned (13%). It can be attended by a midwife (62% of U.S. home births), a physician (5%), or others, such as family members or emergency medical technicians (33%) (MacDorman et al., 2012). In this article I will be focusing on planned home birth with a midwife."
She further explains:
What are some reasons women and families decide to have a home birth?
In a 2009 study, Boucher et al. interviewed 160 women who had a home birth in the U.S. and asked them why they chose a home birth. Reasons that the woman gave included:
Belief that home birth is safer than the hospital*
Desire to avoid unnecessary interventions*
Previous negative or traumatic hospital birth experience*
Control over birth decisions and choices (want to avoid strict hospital rules)*
Dislike of hospitals, doctors, or medically managed birth*
Desire for privacy and to avoid strangers
Trust in birth as a normal, healthy process
Lack of separation from baby, easier breastfeeding initiation
Preference for midwives as caregivers
Increased options such as delayed cord cutting or water birth
Decreased risk of Cesarean birth
Comfortable atmosphere
Family involvement during the birth (children can be present)
Decreased risk of infection
History of fast (precipitous) labor where it is difficult to get to the hospital in time
* indicates one of the 5 most common reasons stated
continued reading HERE